Sunday, November 29, 2009


Summer is here, the weather is definitely warming up. I am currently spring cleaning the house and decluttering, in preparation for Xmas.

I was never a Xmas fan, I used to celebrate Xmas because I was asked to; friends and family invite me over for Xmas lunch and dinner. So I had to prepare presents, blablabla... te whole Xmas thing..

However, this is the first Xmas we spending in this house. Yes, we did move in before last Xmas but the house wasn't entirely ready as a 'HOME' so we consider this our first Xmas. So this year, I am all ready to 'celebrate' Xmas. Matt is going to get me a Xmas tree the coming weekend, I have bought a wreath and some Xmas decor, I can't wait to decorate it and put it up.

Unfortunately, there is no snow in Perth, Xmas is always hot! So annoying..

Anyway, the warm weather is making me feeling lazy to cook when I come home from work. I just can't be bothered to cook, adding more heat to the house. Yes, I can always turn on the air-con, but cooking smell and air con just dont work too well. So, I have decided to do bulk cooking on the weekend and freeze them!

Today, I've made Irish lamb stew, chicken curry and bolognese sauce. May make some satay beef tomorrow, depending how motivated I feel. Next week, when I get home from work, I just have to either cook some rce or spaghetti.

As for now, time to sleep.... Yawn...

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