Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rottnest Trip

Everyone been asking me why didn't I blog about my Rottnest trip as it was the first trip I went with baby.

I would have to say that the trip wasn't fantastic at all but we did have a giggle whenever we thought about it. The experience was bad but we did have a good time together.

The island was extremely boring, we didn't do anything but cycled and walked around. The hotel that we booked was terrible, no air condition, all windows were sealed, the only one that wasn't sealed was facing the hallway where the residents always walked about. baby even suggested that we take the latest ferry back to Perth on the same day, but I refused as we have paid for everything but I later regretted.

So, you could imagine what a 'great' sleep we had on that night. It was so warm, I had to have a cold shower at 3am in the morning and managed to get a few hours sleep after that. Disaster!

And the bikes that we had were in pretty bad shape, the gear of my bike was damaged, I couldn't see which gear I was on. So Matt had to ride it and adjust it for me. Then the bike was so dirty with all the grease, it stained my legs. Let's just put it that I was in a mess and thanks to the bike. Lucky baby was very thoughtful, he could see that I was upset; he gave me a hug and kiss and told me to leave the bike behind and we would just walk around.

Then Matt decided to join some of the local tours, he picked the underwater cruise to see the reefs and ship wrecks. I would say it was a rip off, the reefs in Malaysia are much better that the one we saw in Rottnest.

Then they were showing the movie "The March of the Penguins" by Morgan Freeman. It was a fantastic movie, I think that was the only thing we enjoyed that day. Hahahaha

We caught the 10:30am ferry back to Fremantle, I fell asleep on baby's shoulder as soon as we sat down in the ferry but he couldn't sleep. We both agreed that we would not go back to Rottnest again in the next 5 years unless we are going with a big group of friends.

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